Scientist sitting in front of laboratory experiments and fume hood.

Optimizing Lab Safety and Efficiency with Strategic Fume Hood Placement

There is a lot that goes into designing a laboratory, especially when a fume hood is involved. Be sure to think it through and do it right.

fume hood vs. biosafety cabinet

Fume Hoods vs Biosafety Cabinets: What’s The Difference? | A Guide For Laboratory Safety

Fume hoods and Biosafety Cabinets are specialized types of laboratory equipment. They both look similar and they both protect lab personnel from hazards. But differences exist when it comes to their purpose, function, and operation.

Fume hood blower

Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Fume Hood Blower

Choosing the right blower for your fume hood can be a complex process. There are many factors involved and many details that play a role and ultimately impact the performance of the hood. Consider these items when determining the right blower for your fume hood.

Where to Sell Unwanted Lab Equipment

Where To Sell Used or Unwanted Lab Equipment

Whether your laboratory is going through changes or if you are ready for a new look, there are a number of ways to sell unwanted lab equipment.

Understanding the Importance of Fume Hood Baffles

Maximizing Laboratory Safety: The Essential Guide to Fume Hood Baffle Optimization

Fume hood baffles are one part of the hood that assists in controlling the airflow and direction of harmful vapors out of a laboratory. Knowing how they work will ensure optimal performance of the fume hood and protection for laboratory personnel.

laboratory fume hood with flammable cabinets

Choosing The Right Liner Material For A Fume Hood

A major consideration for fume hoods is the liner material. Selecting the right liner will make all the difference and play a role in the longevity of the fume hood.

What is the Top Fume Hood Brand?

What Is The Top Fume Hood Brand? | Top Fume Hood Manufacturer?

From Air Masters Systems to Thermo Scientific and every manufacturer between, there are a lot of fume hood manufacturers. But which one is the best?

what to consider before buying laboratory furniture

Essential Guide to Choosing the Right Laboratory Furniture

There are a lot of things to consider when purchasing laboratory equipment. Be sure to do your homework to make sure you make a wise purchase.

Qualified Equipment for the Cannabis Industry

Laboratory Equipment For The Cannabis Industry

As state laws change, the cannabis industry is seeing exponential growth. National Laboratory Sales has qualified fume hoods and laboratory equipment for those in this industry.

laboratory fume hood with flammable cabinets

History Of The Fume Hood

Take a look back at the origination of the fume hood. Two historical figures had a big part in its invention.